Friday, February 5, 2010

Open House Tomorrow

I'm going to a Weight Watchers open house tomorrow. I'm pretty nervous, but I think it will be better than just showing up at a weekly meeting. This should give me a chance to get a better sense of what the whole program is about. Some other members have mentioned not loving their initial group leaders. So they "shopped around" a little until they found a meeting that felt really comfortable. The place where it is offers meetings every day of the week at various times and has several leaders, so I'm hoping I won't have any issues.

Looking back, its sort of strange that I didn't think to do WW before. But I guess I didn't really find it appealing. It didn't seem like the type of thing that would work for me. But now that I've done more research- it makes perfect sense. Of COURSE having a support system built into your weight loss program would be helpful! Weight loss is really very personal and private. Especially since I don't really have friends that can relate. Every time I try to "be healthy" and lose weight, I do it alone and thats really difficult. Having supportive people who understand the struggle will hopefully be just what I need to push through the harder times. I'm anxious, but definitely looking forward to it.

At least 5 people I know have lost a significant amount of weight using WW. Two of which have kept it off (the other three are still in the process of losing). I sent a FB message to my friend "L", asking her about the program and this was her response:


Weight Watchers has changed my entire life! I started the program in November of 2008. I weighed in at 280 pounds! Today, I weigh 182...2 pounds shy of 100 pounds down! But in all honesty, it goes beyond the number of pounds you weigh or the number weight you're trying to reach...the biggest thing I've gained from the program is confidence! I'll be forever greatful for that! I highly recommend WW also because they teach you how to eat REAL food! It's a healthy way to lose weight...and in conjunction with a little can achieve amazing results!

If you go to can search for a meeting nearest you. I would reccomend going to the meetings...because you get support there that you can't get online...


If you have any other questions about it, feel free to ask me any time!


That message was really encouraging to me and the final push I needed to convince myself that it was time to go. I have a good feeling about this!!

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