Sunday, February 7, 2010

First Grocery Trip

I went on my first grocery shopping trip as a WW member. Its a little overwhelming, but I'm sure I will adjust. My brain is so used to focusing on calories, calories, calories! But WW is about more than that- they factor in cals, fat, and fiber- creating a "Point" system (which is MUCH easier to track). I found that I was paying attention to the overall content of food, rather than just calories. Its important to remember things like sodium, carbohydrates, sugar, etc.

Right now I'm just focusing on staying within my point range (33). I'm being more mindful of nutrition, but trying to manage ALL the important components to mastering a "balanced diet" can be intimidating! I also cut out soda (which I barely drink normally, but since K's parents keep it in the house, I tend to drink it) and stopped binge eating. I will never deprive myself of something I REALLY want because when I do, it always ends badly.

This upcoming week, my goal is to eat at least 3 servings of fruits/veggies a day. I've barely been eating any lately and thats pretty crappy for my health. And I'm going to drink as much water as possible, hopefully increasing the amount I drink each day. I also started taking a multivitamin again.

Oh, and since I brought the 3 reusable bags WW gave me yesterday, the supermarket gave me a small discount! Nice!

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