Wednesday, February 10, 2010


So the meeting was kind of a bust.  Sadly.  It was fine, overall, but so NOT what I was hoping for.  It was chaotic and disorganized...people were just yapping whenever they felt like it, interrupting the leader nonstop.  I really didn't fit in- it was all these young parents who went on and on about their kids.  Annoying.

I've heard/read that you need to shop around for meetings and thats exactly what I intend to do.  I've more or less convinced K to join with me...she doesn't need to lose very much weight, but she could afford to drop 10 lbs.  And she totally eats like crap so she'd benefit from some structure and guidelines for eating.

I'm trying not to call it quits already. I DID already pay for 3 I really want this to work out for me. I deserve it!  Maybe I'll even go into Manhattan to see if meetings are better there.  Argh.

It sucks that my first meeting was so disappointing, but I'm not giving up!

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